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If the brightly-baked ingredients are bright red, how can we achieve this effect?

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If the brightly-baked ingredients are bright red, how can we achieve this effect?

Date of release:2018-11-08 Author: Click:

Halogen is colored in two categories: natural dyes and chemical dyes for food. Chemical stains are beyond the scope of this article. Only pure natural colorants are listed here.

Natural stains can be divided into several types:

(a) sugar color

The sugar color is also called caramel color, which is to fry the sugar or rock sugar until the color is reddish brown, but it can not be fried. Add water to make a sugar color. The sugar color is better than the white sugar color, and the sugar color is more transparent. Sugar color is a widely used food coloring agent. For example, Coca-Cola's coloring agent is sugar color.

When fried, stir-fry, stir-fry, stir-fry.

1 oil fry, with oil as the heating medium, fried sugar is better controlled, but the time is a little longer.

2 water fry, the same principle as oil fry.

3 dry fry, that is, only add sugar in the pot, the rest are not put, then the sugar is fried until it is reddish brown. The advantage of dry frying is that it is used when it is known. The disadvantage is that the fire is not easy to control and it is easy to fry.

(2) Soy sauce, soy sauce

It is colored with soy sauce and soy sauce. Among them, the Beijing area will also include clear sauce.

(3) red rice noodles

If the brightly-baked ingredients are bright red, then it is definitely more attractive. How can it achieve the effect of bright red color?

Red yeast rice is steamed with rice, added with red yeast rice, and fermented. Generally it is red or rose red. It is a natural high-quality food dyeing agent with a wide range of applications. The red yeast rice is broken into rice noodles. Southern halogen products use red yeast rice flour, such as the meat bone recommended by Wuxi.

Finally, the most important! Finished products colored with natural stains, leaving the broth, after exposure to air, the stain will be oxidized and blackened. In order to prevent blackening, the product should be brushed on the surface immediately after draining the soup. This will not only partially prevent blackening, but also make the finished product bright and tempting.

If the brightly-baked ingredients are bright red, then it is definitely more attractive. How can it achieve the effect of bright red color?

Everyone shares a little trick: use red water to drown.

The method of making red yeast water is mixed with water and red yeast rice in a ratio of 30:1, and poured into a pot. The fire is boiled and fired for 30 minutes. The definition of “red color” is different in each region, so when using red yeast rice, you can adjust the amount according to the preferences of local diners.

By the way, what is red rice?

Red yeast rice, also known as red yeast rice, red yeast rice, red rice, and fumi, is obtained by steaming rice and then inoculation with Monascus. This is a common fermented product in China. Monascus produces a red pigment, Monascus colours, during fermentation.

This pigment has good stability and is naturally produced during the fermentation process. It has long been used as a natural pigment to add color to some foods, such as the fermented bean we like. The fermented bean curd is a traditional condiment that is unique in China. It can be used alone or in a dish with unique flavors. Common red bean curd and white bean curd. The reason why red bean curd is red is the role played by red yeast rice and red yeast red pigment. During the fermentation process, red fermented bean curd will add some red yeast red pigment, which will make the surface of the bean curd form an appetizing red. During the fermentation process, a variety of aroma and aroma components will be produced to make the bean curd more delicious and attractive.

When the raw material is just marinated, the color is particularly beautiful, but after a little time, the color will be black. How to solve the problem of discoloration of the halogen?

In order to keep the raw materials of the brine to maintain the beautiful color, we recommend a small anti-tarnishing trick: after the raw material is marinated, the soup is slightly controlled, placed in a stainless steel plate, and a small layer of grease is applied to the surface of the raw material. Then wrap the stainless steel plate with plastic wrap.

Here you need to remind everyone two things:

1. After the grease is finished, do not rush to seal the plastic wrap. Slightly place the halogen material to cool down and then seal the film. Otherwise, the surface of the halogen material will show numerous large patches, which will affect the selling of the dishes.

2. After sealing the plastic wrap, be sure to insert some small holes in the cling film with bamboo sticks to facilitate the ventilation of the halogen material.

The address of this article:http://ooo1818.com/en/news/423.html

Key word:MonascusRedmanufacturer


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